From wax testing to Super Tour-besting: How David Norris is proving himself to be the global championships master yet again

Check out our full interview with David Norris from earlier this week! Imagine if football color commentator Chris Collinsworth’s nauseating praise for Aaron Rodgers was replaced with the task of describing David Norris.  “Here’s a guy,” he would begin, using his worn signature phrase before pausing to repeat himself.  “Here’s a guy who didn’t evenContinueContinue reading “From wax testing to Super Tour-besting: How David Norris is proving himself to be the global championships master yet again”

My Gut Reaction: Americans bounce back at Lillehammer world cup

There’s been a lot of skiing for me the last week. Well, watching skiing and writing about skiing and studying skiing. Not actual skiing. Between covering the Birds of Prey World Cup (Alpine) and dotting the last few ‘i’s’ and crossing some final ‘t’s on my 225-page double-pole-related thesis, I didn’t get on snow asContinueContinue reading “My Gut Reaction: Americans bounce back at Lillehammer world cup”