Why being great still requires being basic even in a world built on flashy instant gratification.

The crunch of snow beneath my boots broke the silence of another dark, early morning as I waddled precariously across campus, navigating above lurking black ice, which hid itself beneath the freshly fallen snow towards. Frozen shut, I yanked until my car door finally peeled open, ice shaking loose from the hinges. I swung myContinueContinue reading “Why being great still requires being basic even in a world built on flashy instant gratification.”

Kill the Silence: A Survivor’s Life Reclaimed (Part 1)

This is a book review and reflection on Norwegian Junior National Nordic Ski Coach Monika Korra’s book, Kill the Silence. I found tremendous satisfaction reading the book, and have many excerpts from it I found valuable and would like to share. For this reason, I’ve decided to break up my review into multiple parts. Enjoy. – […]